Welcome to Dear Butter, a special sanctuary for lovers of butter. If you’ve come to love butter as a beautiful mainstay of healthy living, or you’d like to learn more about how to incorporate the silky, delicious flavour of butter into your daily living, this is the place for you.
We’ll be sharing out butter stories as we encounter the myriad brands and flavours of butter around the world. We’ll be trying out recipes, making up recipes and sharing them here so that you can experiment with butter in your own kitchen.
Together, we’ll explore the health advantages of butter and begin to learn about dear butter as our friend and companion, one we can turn to as we celebrate high achievements and find comfort with on days when we need special encouragement.
Over the years I’ve posted photos of many of my food creations with the response – “Recipe, please!”. You’ve inspired me to create this blog with more butter than you can imagine!
This, my friend is truly a love letter to butter!
Dear Butter. I love you. That is all!